Yoga Workshop in Goa - Japanese Group. Nov. 2019

user-imageA Sivananda Yoga workshop for this group from Japan. Working with them to learn and successfully practice the 12 basic postures of The Sivananda Yoga Style, along with its variations. Hatha Yoga postures and sequences put together to work on the entire body, mind and energy levels.

Along with our asana practice we explored Pranayama techniques, Chanting practices and meditation sessions.

The asanas and sequences that we worked with were:

user-image- Sun Salutations / Surya Namaskar
- Leg raises - single and double
- Headstand / Sirsasana
- Shoulder Stand / Sarvangasana
- Plough Posture / Halasana
- Bridge Pose / Setubandasana
- Fish Pose / Matsyasana
- Seated Forward Bend /Paschimothanasana
- Cobra Pose / Bhujangasana
- The Locust / Shalabhasana
- Bow Pose / Dhanurasana
- The Half Spinal Twist / Ardhya Matsyendrasana
- The Crow / Kakasana
- Standing Forward Bend / Padhastasana
- Triangle Pose / Trikonasana

We also Incorporated Pranayama practises like:

- Abdominal breathing
- Kapalabhati Pranayama
- Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Om Chanting and other Vedic Mantra Chanting to open and close the session

Shanti Mantras / Peace Mantras

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